Last-Minute Halloween Costumes for Under $40

Inside: find last-minute halloween costume ideas for babies, toddlers, and kids — all available for last-minute purchase on amazon, and all under $40!

Alright, friends— we are down to the wire! Halloween is right around the corner and, if your kids are anything like mine, they’ve changed their minds about what they want (nay, HAVE!) to be for Halloween. So, if you’re stuck looking for a last-minute costume that will be delivered straight to your door, look no further! We’ve put together a list of our favorites for babies, toddlers, and kids. Happy shopping!

Prices and availability depend vary based upon size, but all of these are ADORABLE!

Note: this post contains affiliate links, meaning that we get a (very) small commission when and if you make a purchase using these links, at no cost to you! Thank you for supporting Momstrosity!

6 Last minute toddler halloween costumes under $40.jpg

1.) Strawberry

2.) Pirate

3.) Stay Puft

4.) Toddler Shark (Do Do Do Do…)

5.) Flamingo

6.) Dinosaur Rider

6 Last minute kids halloween costumes under $40.png