Things I Never Thought I'd Google Before Becoming a Mom: Newborn Edition
Having grown up in an era of usernames, passwords, and instant everything, it's probably no surprise to you, dear reader, that I have a habit of googling anything and everything at all times, without hesitation. Sure, there are times when I want to "challenge myself" to figure out the indecipherable words to a song (don't even get me started-- my friends know I am NOTORIOUS for mishearing lyrics-- alas, that's another post for another day), but really, why wait?
As soon as google kicked Ask Jeeves to the corner, google became my go-to. I consider google more of a well-read friend than a search engine. Creepy? Probably. Exactly what google wants me to think? Definitely. Am I sorry? Not even a little bit.
So, once pregnancy rolled around, the (proverbial) keys of my way-too-smartphone became worn out asking questions like, "will my belly button ever be the same?" (spoiler alert: no, it won't) and, "why didn't they didn't tell me about [insert ridiculous pregnancy symptom here]!?!?". But truly, nothing could've prepared me for what I would google once my boys arrived. There are SO MANY THINGS that need answers, y'all. Here is a sampling:
can you be a helicopter mom if you have a newborn
what is one step down from a helicopter mom
least annoying/most tolerable baby music
how quickly can a person die from lack of sleep
are my boobs supposed to look like this?
foods to increase milk supply
foods to increase milk supply that aren't disgusting
lactation cookie recipes with ingredients i actually have
flavor blasted goldfish flavors
what happens if a person only eats flavor blasted goldfish
least hideous minivan models
least lame minivan models
minivan with racing stripes
minivan with flames
ironic stick family bumper sticker ideas
beer and breastfeeding
craft beer and breastfeeding
hard liquor and breastfeeding
why does my son's neck smell like death
baby neck rolls
how to properly cut infant nails
should my baby be able to do anything cool by now
when can babies put pacifiers back in their mouths
how to teach a baby how to suck its thumb
is it really that awful for a baby to suck its thumb
mom jeans
attractive mom jeans
mom jeans for cool moms
least tacky bulldog onesies
when will my baby realize i'm a dork
Have any google searches you'd like to share? Leave them in the comments below!